How to create new objects? ========================== Extending DOSSS is rather easy. To create a new object, create a new object class derived from :py:class:`DOSSSObject` and save it in a file with the exactly same name as the class object, i.e., **MyFancyObject** goes to ****. In order for DOSSS to find your new object, place the file in the *objects* folder. The new object will then be automatically loaded and added to the library. For your object to actually do something, you have to overwrite the following four interface functions: * :py:func:`~core.opsim_objectbase.DOSSSObject.GetDisplayPoints`: Returns a list of points for drawing the object into the ClientDC. * :py:func:`~core.opsim_objectbase.DOSSSObject.Intersection`: Returns some information about the intersection with a light ray: intersection point, distance of travel, emerging rays. * :py:func:`~core.opsim_objectbase.DOSSSObject.ShowPropertyDialog`: Show the property dialog box for the object. * :py:func:`~core.opsim_objectbase.DOSSSObject.GetLight`: Returns a list of light rays if the object is a light source. In addition, you have to provide a unique name / identifier for the object in the :py:attr:`` class attribute, which will then be used in the objects menu. Example ------- In the following I will give a short example of how to extend DOSSS by creating a new object. The code is taken from DOSSS_GlassSlab and represents a rectangular piece of glass. First, derive a new class from :py:class:`DOSSSObject`:: # for the dialog box import wx # for the object base class from core.opsim_objectbase import * # when creating a light source, also import the following from core.opsim_lightray import * class DOSSS_GlassSlab(DOSSSObject): # make sure that all parameters have default values - this is important for the automatic import def __init__(self, xpos = 0, ypos = 0, width = 100, height = 20, ior = 1.5): # call the parent constructor DOSSSObject.__init__(self, xpos, ypos) # assign the object's parameters self.width = width self.height = height self.refractiveIndex = ior # give it a unique identifier = "Glass Slab" Now, you have to overwrite the interface functions. The first one is responsible for drawing the object to the screen. The object will be drawn as a poly line in the order the points are added to the list. The last point is automatically connected with the first one:: def GetDisplayPoints(self): p = [] # the points' coordinates have to be given in the objects coordinate system p.append([-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2]) p.append([+self.width / 2, -self.height / 2]) p.append([+self.width / 2, +self.height / 2]) p.append([-self.width / 2, +self.height / 2]) return p Next, overwrite the interface function for calculating the intersection with a light ray. This function is the actual work horse and does all the work. Make sure your calculations are correct, as this function completely determines the optical properties:: def Intersection(self, line): # first, transform the light ray into the object's coordinate system l = self.ProjectIntoObjectCosy(line) # second, test for intersection: # this is done by checking every segment of the object for intersection # if a point is found, it is stored together with the distance to the rays origin # and a list of emerging rays (transmitted or reflected) # at the end, the point with the shortest distance along the light ray is picked and returned # create a set of vectors corresponding to the four corners of the glass slab tl = DOSSSVector(-self.width/2, -self.height/2) tr = DOSSSVector(+self.width/2, -self.height/2) br = DOSSSVector(+self.width/2, +self.height/2) bl = DOSSSVector(-self.width/2, +self.height/2) # prepare return values p0 = None d0 = d = -1 er = [] # now test for intersection using the built in geometric functions.. # get a line corresponding to the first (upper) side of the slab lb = getLineThroughPoints(tl, tr) # calculate the intersection using the bounded_intersection() method, # as the intersection should lie between the two corner points p = lb.bounded_intersection(l, tl, tr) # if there is an intersection, calculate the distance of this point along the light ray if(p != None): d = (l.a - p).length() # if it is smaller than the distance to any previously found intersection, keep this point if(d > 1e-7 and (d0 == -1 or d < d0)): # distance to intersection d0 = d # intersection point p0 = p # emitted rays as list # Snell() expects the surface normal to point outwards, i.e. from glass to vacuum er = [DOSSSLine(p0, Snell(l.u, DOSSSVector(0, -1), self.refractiveIndex))] # repeat for the other sides... # ... # ... # finally, the intersection and the emitted rays have to be transformed back into the laboratory frame if(p0 != None): # note the 1 in the projection function; this tells DOSSS to do the reverse transformation p0 = self.ProjectIntoObjectCosy(p0, 1) # do the same for all emerging beams for i in range(len(er)): er[i] = self.ProjectIntoObjectCosy(er[i], 1) # return values are: [intersection point, distance of travel, [emerging rays]] return [p0, d0, er] And the last function to overwrite is the property dialog. This dialog is used to control the appearance and optical properties of the object:: def ShowPropertyDialog(self): # first, create the options list options = [] # there are general options regarding the position options.append(["Position X", self.position[0]]) options.append(["Position Y", self.position[1]]) options.append(["Rotate", self.alpha]) options.append(["FlipH", self.flip_h]) options.append(["FlipV", self.flip_v]) # and object specific properties, like width, height and refractive index options.append(["Width", self.width, 1]) options.append(["Height", self.height, 1]) options.append(["Refractive Index", self.refractiveIndex, 1]) # second, open the standard dialog with the options list as parameter dlg = DOSSS_PropertyDialog(options) if (dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK): # third, read out the new values and store options = dlg.getOptions() self.position[0] = options[0] self.position[1] = options[1] self.alpha = options[2] self.flip_h = options[3] self.flip_v = options[4] self.width = options[5] self.height = options[6] self.refractiveIndex = options[7] # finally, destroy the dialog object dlg.Destroy() If you are about to create a new light source, you also have to overwrite the following function (code example taken from DOSSS_ParallelLight):: # this function applies only for light sources # returns a list of DOSSS_LightRay - objects # for an object to be a light source, the 'lightsource' flag has to be set def GetLight(self): rays = [] if self.noRays > 1: a0 = -self.width / 2 da = self.width / (float(self.noRays) - 1.0) print a0, da else: a0 = 0 da = 0 for i in range(int(self.noRays)): av = DOSSSVector(0, a0) uv = DOSSSVector(1, 0) a0 = -self.width / 2 + (i + 1) * da # project vectors in LabSpace uv = self.project(uv, 1, 1) av = self.project(av, 0, 1) # create a list of DOSSS_LightRays rays.append(DOSSS_LightRay(av.x(), av.y(), uv.x(), uv.y())) return rays