
uvvis.get_concentration(spectrum, epspeak, cuvL=0.1, refspectrum=None, maxOD=3, retfit=False, withoffset=True)

Extract concentration of solute from UV/VIS spectrum and peak absorptivity of solute. If a reference spectrum is given, apply peak epsilon to this spectrum and then fit it to the data (this method is suited for very small and very large ODs, especially exceeding the dynamic range of the instrument).

  • spectrum (array) – UV/VIS data to analyze (OD). If spectrum is list of spectra, get concentration for every one.
  • epspeak (float) – Peak molar extinction (cm-1 M-1).
  • cuvL (float) – Length of cuvette (cm) (default 1mm).
  • refspectrum (array) – Reference spectrum (optional).
  • maxOD (float) – Maximum OD that is taken into account for fitting to reference spectrum (default = 3.0).
  • retfit (bool) – If True, return also fit parameters and uncertainties (default = False).
  • withoffset (bool) – If True, use a constant offset/background when fitting to the reference spectrum (default).

Solute concentration (and fit parameters and errors if retfit = True).