
yeh_tm.optimized_insert_needle(S, w, Q, eps, d=0.01, dQ=0.01, Qid=4, keep_first_fixed=True)

Insert a needle in the Layer stack at the optimum position by comparing the merit functions of all combinations.

Changed in version 11-05-2015: Changed input parameters to allow multiple materials.

  • S (System) – Optical system containing the layer stack.
  • w (array) – List of frequencies where a target is specified.
  • Q (array) – List of target values at the given frequencies (same shape as w).
  • eps (array) – List of possible dielectric functions to choose from. The needle will use the one giving the best improvement in merit.
  • d (float) – Thickness of the needle layer. Usually around 10nm (default 0.01 assumes units are um).
  • dQ (float) – Allowed design tolerance of the target (in absolute units).
  • Qid (int) – Identifier of the quantity that should be used for calculation of the merit function. (0 = Rxx, ..., 7 = Tyy).
  • keep_first_fixed (bool) – Set to True if first layer should not be modified.

New System class instance.