The Main Window

DOSSS uses only a single window with a menu bar, client area and status bar. All the scene manipulation, rendering and display takes place in the client window. You can use the mouse and/or keyboard to manipulate and place objects.

Screenshot of DOSSS main window.

Mouse Commands

LEFT CLICK on object
Select object.
LEFT DCLICK on object
Open property dialog box.
LEFT CLICK and MOVE on object
Translate object.
Move visible part of scene.

Keyboard Commands

Render the scene.
DEL with object selected
Delete the object. Be careful, there is no UNDO function yet.
CTRL-C with object selected
Clone currently selected object.
Save current scene.
PGUP, PGDN with object selected
Move selected object one step forwards / backwards. The z-order controls which objects appear on top of others.
UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT with object selected
Translate selected object one unit / one grid spacing upwards, downwards, to the left, or to the right.