
rraman.getHomogeneousDamping(t, Gamma, alpha=0, lmbda=0)

Calculates the damping term arising from the homogeneous linewidth of the electronic transition. Offers phenomenological support for Stokes shift.


Added phenomenological Stokes shift to input parameters on 10-12-2015. See for example New J Phys 11, 015001 (2009), Eqs. (1) and (2).

  • t (array) – Time axis (fs).
  • Gamma (float) – Decay rate according to 1 / \tau in (cm-1), where tau is exponential dephasing time.
  • alpha (float) –

    Line shape parameter:

    • 1 = Gaussian
    • 0 = Lorentzian
  • lmbda (float) – Phenomenological Stokes shift (cm-1) which is added as imaginary part to g(t). Compared to the Brownian oscillator models, lmbda is the observed Stokes shift. (default = 0)

Damping term in the time domain, e^{-g(t) - i \lambda t / 2 \hbar}.