fitting - A collection of general fitting routines

A comprehensive bundle of mathematical functions and routines for fitting experimental data. Provides methods for

  • polynomials, Lorentzians, Gaussians, Voigts, exponentials, etc.
  • Lorentz oscillator model,
  • fitting beam waists using the knife edge method,
  • LPSVD fitting of periodic noisy data,
  • short-time Fourier transform,
  • principal component analysis (using NIPALS),

Utility Functions

curve_fit(*args) A convenience wrapper for scipy.optimize.curve_fit(), so you do not have to import scipy in addition.
weighted_mean(x, s) Calculate the weighted average over a given data set and its uncertainties.
stft(data, fs, w[, overlap_fac]) Short time (or moving window) Fourier transform using a Hanning window.


const(x, a) Returns a constant.
proportional(x, b) Proportionality, i.e., a line through the origin.
line(x, a, b) A line.
parabola(x, a, b, c) A parabola.
parabola2(x, y0, x0, a) Another version of the parabola using the vertex (x0, y0).
cubic(x, a, b, c, d) Third order polynomial.
quartic(x, a, b, c, d, e) Fourth order polynomial.
poly(x, *coeffs) A general polynomial.
lagrange(x, x0, y0) Construct the polynomial over x with the least degree that passes through all points (x0, y0) using Lagrange polynomials.


power(x, A, a) Power law without offset.
power_const(x, y0, A, a) Power law with constant offset.

Trigonometric Functions

cosine(x, a, b, c[, d]) A cosine with constant offset.
cosine2(x, a, b, c[, d]) A cosine squared.
sinusoids(x, *p) A sum over a variable number of decaying sinusoids.
sinusoidsFT(f, *p) Returns reconstructed frequency domain representation from analytic Fourier transform of one sided decaying sinusoid for a variable number of sinusoids.


lor(x, A, x0, dx) Single Lorentzian without baseline / offset.
lorentzians(x, *p) Sum over variable number of Lorentzians without baseline.
lorentzians_const(x, a, *p) Sum over variable number of Lorentzians on a constant background.
lorentzians_line(x, a, b, *p) Sum over variable number of Lorentzians on a linear background.
lorentzians_parabola(x, a, b, c, *p) Sum over variable number of Lorentzians on a quadratic background.
lorentzians_cubic(x, a, b, c, d, *p) Sum over variable number of Lorentzians on a cubic background.
lorentzians_quartic(x, a, b, c, d, e, *p) Sum over variable number of Lorentzians on a quartic background.

Dispersive Lorentzians

displor(x, A, B, x0, dx) A dispersive Lorentzian without baseline / offset.
displorentzians(x, *p) A sum over a variable number of dispersive Lorentzians without baseline.
displorentzians_const(x, a, *p) A sum over a variable number of dispersive Lorentzians on a constant background.
displorentzians_line(x, a, b, *p) A sum over a variable number of dispersive Lorentzians on a linear background.
displorentzians_parabola(x, a, b, c, *p) A sum over a variable number of dispersive Lorentzians on a quadratic background.
displorentzians_cubic(x, a, b, c, d, *p) A sum over a variable number of dispersive Lorentzians on a cubic background.
displorentzians_quartic(x, a, b, c, d, e, *p) A sum over a variable number of dispersive Lorentzians on a quartic background.


gauss(x, A, x0, dx) A single Gaussian without baseline / offset.
gaussians(x, *p) Sum over a variable number of Gaussians without baseline.
gaussians_const(x, a, *p) Sum over a variable number of Gaussians on a constant background.
gaussians_line(x, a, b, *p) Sum over a variable number of Gaussians on a linear background.
gaussians_parabola(x, a, b, c, *p) Sum over a variable number of Gaussians on a quadratic background.
gaussians_cubic(x, a, b, c, d, *p) Sum over a variable number of Gaussians on a cubic background.
gaussians_quartic(x, a, b, c, d, e, *p) Sum over a variable number of Gaussians on a quartic background.

Dispersive Gaussians

dispgauss(x, A, B, x0, dx) A single dispersive Gaussian without baseline / offset.
dispgaussians(x, *p) Sum over a variable number of dispersive Gaussians without baseline.
dispgaussians_const(x, a, *p) Sum over a variable number of dispersive Gaussians on a constant background.
dispgaussians_line(x, a, b, *p) Sum over a variable number of dispersive Gaussians on a linear background.
dispgaussians_parabola(x, a, b, c, *p) Sum over a variable number of dispersive Gaussians on a quadratic background.
dispgaussians_cubic(x, a, b, c, d, *p) Sum over a variable number of dispersive Gaussians on a cubic background.
dispgaussians_quartic(x, a, b, c, d, e, *p) Sum over a variable number of dispersive Gaussians on a quartic background.

Pseudo-Voigt Profiles

voigt(x, A, x0, dx, a) Approximation to a Voigt profile based on a weighted sum of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian with the same parameters.
voigts(x, *p) Sum over variable number of approximate Voigt profiles without baseline / offset.
voigts_const(x, a, *p) Sum over variable number of approximate Voigt profiles on a constant background.
voigts_line(x, a, b, *p) Sum over variable number of approximate Voigt profiles on a linear background.
voigts_parabola(x, a, b, c, *p) Sum over variable number of approximate Voigt profiles on a quadratic background.
voigts_cubic(x, a, b, c, d, *p) Sum over variable number of approximate Voigt profiles on a cubic background.
voigts_quartic(x, a, b, c, d, e, *p) Sum over variable number of approximate Voigt profiles on a quartic background.

Saturation Curves

saturation(x, A, x2) Saturation curve from 0 to A.

Step Functions

heaviside(x, x0) Heaviside step function.
step(x, x0, y0, y1, a) Sharp step function on a linear background.
smoothstep(x, x0, y0, y1, a, k) Smooth step function on a linear background.

Lorentz Oscillator Model

lorOscRe(w, A, w0, dw) Real part of a Lorentz oscillator model for the dielectric function.
lorOscIm(w, A, w0, dw) Imaginary part of a Lorentz oscillator model for the dielectric function.

Beam Waist Fitting

waist(z, A, y0, z0, w0) Use this function to fit the integrated intensity profile obtained by translating a knife edge through the waist of a laser beam.
rayleigh(x, x0, xR, w0) Waist size of a Gaussian laser beam as function of position along axis.
fit_waist(y, dz) Convenience function for extracting the beam waist from a knife-edge intensity profile using waist() and regularly spaced points.

Linear Prediction and Singular Value Decomposition

lpsvd(x, Y[, eta, refine]) LPSVD fitting function based on Kumaresan and Tufts, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing ASSP-30, 833 (1982) and the Matlab code by Greg Reynolds, 2006 (from
lpsvd2(x, Y[, eta, M, removeBias, refine]) Variation of LPSVD fitting function based on Barkhujisen et al, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 61, 465 (1985), which seems to be more robust for noisy data.

Principal Component Analysis

nipals(A[, n]) Principal component analysis based on the NIPALS algorithm for deconvolution of spectra containing the signature of multiple species.
getRdimer(Kp, c, T[, outR]) Calculate the transform matrix R using an estimate for the monomer <-> dimer equilibrium constant Kp.
getR23mer(K, c, T[, outR]) Calculate the transform matrix R using an estimate for the monomer <-> dimer and monomer <-> trimer equilibrium constants K2 and K3.